floating kite

Focus South Asia


Gagan Gaman

France, India, USA

Dhundhari, Hindi, Rajasthani


30 mins

World Premiere

Focus South Asia


Gagan Gaman

France, India, USA

Dhundhari, Hindi, Rajasthani


30 mins

World Premiere

Set against a surreal cityscape of the pink city, this is a tale of a woman's quest—in a world infused with myth and mystery, where each move opens up a new world. She meets people, lovers, riddles, world-warping questions, and even a goddess as she wades through this haze of wonder and realisation and begins to see everything anew in this experimental film that has a touch of fantasy as well.

This film is part of Focus South Asia Package - 1

21 October 2024

Juhu PVR Dynamix Mall, Juhu - Audi 3

12:45 PM

23 October 2024

Juhu PVR Dynamix Mall, Juhu - Audi 4

12:30 PM


Lead Cast

Gavari Devi Rao

Jeevani Devi

Subrata Parashar

Pankaj Sharma

Bhawani Singh


Suruchi Sharma

Director of Photography

Ashok Meena


Vibhav Nigam

Suruchi Sharma

Sound Designer

Ajit Singh Rathore

Music Director

Beatrice Thiriet & Siddique Khan Langa

Production Designer

Prashant Deshmane

Costume Designer



Suruchi Sharma

Kanika Patawari

Jane Himmeth Singh

Beatrice Thiriet

Production Company/ies

Studio Ainak

Rickshaw Group LLC

L' Atelier De Beatrice Thiriet


Rights Holder

Suruchi Sharma


Suruchi Sharma

Suruchi Sharma is a filmmaker from India, the founder of boutique production house Studio Ainak and an annual residential screenwriter's mentoring program called Rewrite. She has directed several documentaries, including the National Award-winning Meen Raag, including India's first folk docu-series, Equals. Her work has been awarded Special Mention at the IDA Awards 2023.