Focus South Asia
Gagan Gaman
Focus South Asia
Gagan Gaman
Set against a surreal cityscape of the pink city, this is a tale of a woman's quest—in a world infused with myth and mystery, where each move opens up a new world. She meets people, lovers, riddles, world-warping questions, and even a goddess as she wades through this haze of wonder and realisation and begins to see everything anew in this experimental film that has a touch of fantasy as well.
This film is part of Focus South Asia Package - 1
Juhu PVR Dynamix Mall, Juhu - Audi 3
12:45 PM
Juhu PVR Dynamix Mall, Juhu - Audi 4
12:30 PM
Gavari Devi Rao
Jeevani Devi
Subrata Parashar
Pankaj Sharma
Bhawani Singh
Suruchi Sharma
Ashok Meena
Vibhav Nigam
Suruchi Sharma
Ajit Singh Rathore
Beatrice Thiriet & Siddique Khan Langa
Prashant Deshmane
Suruchi Sharma
Kanika Patawari
Jane Himmeth Singh
Beatrice Thiriet
Studio Ainak
Rickshaw Group LLC
L' Atelier De Beatrice Thiriet
Suruchi Sharma
Suruchi Sharma is a filmmaker from India, the founder of boutique production house Studio Ainak and an annual residential screenwriter's mentoring program called Rewrite. She has directed several documentaries, including the National Award-winning Meen Raag, including India's first folk docu-series, Equals. Her work has been awarded Special Mention at the IDA Awards 2023.